FÜRSTEN+KAUDER® offers optimal graphic design in all common areas of application: whether logo development, website relaunch or the interactive design of print products. We combine strategy and many years of experience to create designs that are one hundred percent tailored to you and your projects.

Logo development

Our logo development embodies the essence of your brand. With thorough research and creative processes, we create timeless, concise logos that stand out on all platforms. Our designs promote brand recognition and loyalty, while we also ensure digital optimization for maximum visibility in all major search engines. Discover the perfect visual brand for your business with FÜRSTEN+KAUDER®.

Innovative graphic design

Our innovative graphic design aims to push boundaries, tell stories, use technology and always keep sustainability in mind.

Creative experimentation: We break norms and dare to experiment creatively.

State-of-the-art technologies: Use of the latest tools and techniques for innovative designs.

Stories in design: Our designs tell stories with visual elements.

Versatility and sustainability: Customizable, sustainable designs for various media.

Rakete startet aus einem Laptop

Analog & Digital

The graphic design of FÜRSTEN+KAUDER® includes analog and digital approaches. Analog design emphasizes craftsmanship and authenticity with traditional materials. At the same time, it also creates the basis for digital implementation. Digital formats allow us precision, versatility and complex design down to the pixel. We combine both to offer creative diversity and meet individual requirements - always innovative and to the point.

We leave familiar structures behind us - with the aim of combining the digital and analog marketing worlds. This is how we create distinctive brand images for medium-sized and large companies.

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